Saturday, March 28, 2015

Winding down...


So our luck ran out a little with today's steady, heavy rain.  But 1 day out of 11 when we had nothing planned anyway is still good in my book.  And it didn't stop us from really doing anything because all I really wanted to do was SHOP!!!  I love checking out a local major department store of any city we're in and Rome was no different. 

So we went to La Rinascente, one of the oldest, if not the oldest department store in Italy.  I found a great blouse and dress, made in Italy, as is my rule in these outings.  In fact, the two pieces are the department store's own label.  I also found a pair of Italian leather gloves with silk linking, also made in Naples and finally we returned to the apartment, soaking wet (I mean it was really raining and windy!

Tonight, we took the recommendation of our host and went to a local restaurant that he and his girlfriend enjoy.  What a swell experience -- to go to a place that isn't frequented by or catering to tourists. 

You felt a little like you were in a cave.  And you were, kinda.  It was below ground level and just had that feel to it.

It was a great local place, offering really good Italian meals served up by swarthy Italian waiters - yum.  And presided over by a short Mama straight out of Central Casting.  She gave our pitcher of wine and our bread to the wrong table and when she realized her error -- conversing in rapid Italian with one of the swarthy waiters, she thought nothing of just walking back to the table, picking up the wine & bread and plopping it down on our table, laughing.  Ya gotta love it.

Added bonus:  a shared appetizer, bread, 2 entries with so much food we had to take some back to the apartment, 1/2 bottle of red wine, shared dessert - 37 euros ($40).

1 comment:

  1. Your experiences here are my favorite kind, rain and all. And I love Mama from the restaurant. How wonderful!
